Menstrual Hygiene Day 2023- Kasese District Local Government
The event
Kasese District Local Government (KDLG) invited Ms. Edrine K to participate in its commemoration of Menstrual Hygiene Day 2023. This year’s commemoration was held at Nkaiga Primary School in Maliba Sub-County, Kasese, Uganda, under the theme “Making Menstruation a Normal Fact of Life by 2030,” which underscores the need to break menstrual stigma in Kasese District. Menstrual stigma is a harmful social practice that keeps girls from achieving their dreams like education. A lot of times, when a girl starts her menstruation, she is considered an adult and may be married off as a child and thus end up losing their education. Girls need to experience menstruation without risking sexual abuse and child marriages.
As the community is helped to understand that menstruation in a girl’s life is normal and not a sign of adulthood or readiness for marriage, more and more girls will be able to complete school and achieve their life potential. Consequently, this will help achieve the UN goal of zero teenage pregnancies and zero child marriages by 2030.